
Donnerstag, 29. November 2012


Travelling is about discovering new places, other cultures and different traditions. Therefore I was more than happy to have the opportunity to experience Thanksgiving during my stay in Connecticut, US. I have never seen a table loaded so full with a huge variety of pies, cookies, dips and cakes! We cooked for family and friends and we spent a very merry night together. This was only the day before Thanksgiving and I already felt like I wouldn’t be able to get any more food down ever again. But I was mistaken as the next evening, the traditional turkey and mashed potatoes were served. Who would say no to such a feast?
In the end, feeling warm and fuzzy, all I could do was roll into bed. I was stuffed like a turkey myself but I wouldn’t have missed this opportunity in any case. Whenever you get the chance to go and explore the world, do it! It will be worth it.

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